Tag Archives: Steven Seagal

Outstaying their welcome…

4 Jan

With President Bush’s tenure in the White House winding down to double digits, about 72 percent of Americans believe W has outstayed his welcome, according to pollingreport.com. To put it lightly, that’s not so good. However, the Prez isn’t the only one who has apparently stuck around in one spot too long…

Stephon Marbury: New York Knicks


Marbury’s been collecting portions of his $21.9 million salary from the Knicks without even suiting up this season. Not bad for Steph, but pretty terrible for fans that actually want to see the Knicks improve. Marbury might be on his way out, but it’s clear that Steph has outstayed his welcome in the Big Apple. 
Brett FavreGreen Bay Packers and New York Jets

After Brett Favre packed his stuff from Green Bay — including a Super Bowl ring and a slew of NFL records — and moved to NY to play for the Jets, he was panned by critics for his choice. But then, when Gang Green was doing well, he was praised. Then came the Mets-like collapse that saw the Jets miss the playoffs. Resume the panning. The latest was from running back, Thomas Jones, who verbally lambasted Favre and stated his poor play warranted benching. Ouch. Rumor has it that Favre is leaning towards retirement, but we’re a little skeptical since his retirements tend to last as long as the next guy in line:
Michael Jordan: Washington Wizards


After a one-and-a-half year stint as the Wizards’ President of Basketball Operations (Would that be the PBO of the company?), and even opting to return to the court as a 38-year old member of the active roster, MJ was informed in a postseason meeting that his services would no longer be required on and off the court in Washington. And this was after Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf basically gave Jordan the boot by refusing to resign Phil Jackson after the Bulls won their third consecutive championship in the late ’90s. 
Steven SegalOn Deadly Ground, Under Seige 2: Dark Territory, The Glimmer Man, Exit Wounds, numerous awful action movies


The list of awful Seagal movies would read as long as Maurice Clarette’s rap sheet. We wish he’d quit making films, god how we wish he’d quit — so he did, briefly. Seagal joined a band and tried to peddle his music to make up for the income that was nonexistent due to his imaginary acting career. That band didn’t work out, either. So he went back to films, and they’re still coming out. Keep your eyes on the Waste of Time rack at your local Blockbuster when “The Keeper,” “Ruslan,” and “Against the Dark” come out.
Dennis Rodman: L.A. Lakers and Dallas Mavericks


Dennis Rodman was always hailed as a trouble maker — he’s the guy who would head butt referees, kick photogs in the groin and dress like RuPaul when he had an extra six hours to get into costume. 
But while playing with the Bulls, Phil Jackson, MJ, Scottie Pippen all seemed to tolerate Rodman’s antics due to his tenacity on the defensive end of the court.  Unfortunately, he didn’t have the same fate in L.A. or in Dallas. First, the Lakers signed Rodman on 2/23/99, only to waive him a few months later on 4/15/99. Then Dallas, thinking their fortunes would be different, picked up Rodman as a free agent on 2/3/00 then tossed him on 3/8/00.
Lucky for Rodman, he picked up another career in sports-entertainment. He recently won Hulk Hogan’s reality show, Celebrity Championship Wrestling, and proved he can throw phony punches with the best of ’em.

Honorable Mentions: 
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Dustin Diamond (aka Screech Powers)
Kevin “K-Fed” Federl
Reality TV “Stars” — any and all of ’em